Brief Information about The Turkish-German
(Established as „Deutsch-Türkische Gynaekologengesellschaft e.V.“ in Cologne in 1993, abbreviated as „DTGG“)
The Turkish-German Gynecological Association (TGGA) is a nonprofit, non-commercial scientific organization working to promote excellence in the fields of obstetrics and gynecology. TGGA was founded 1993 in Cologne. The association aims the promotion of science and research in the area of gynecology and obstetrics as well as reproductive medicine and gynecologic oncology in cooperation with gynecologists in Turkey. The association works on international basis. The purpose of the international union is carried out by holding regularly scientific meetings and congresses taking place in both countries. On these conferences with participation of international experts results of scientific work on the above mentioned fields are discussed. The TGAA is one of the societies connected to the German Society of Gynecology and Obstetrics (DGGG). With its more than 250 members in Germany and Turkey as well as in Austria and Switzerland, the TGAA is the biggest German associated foreign society in the field of obstetrics and gynecology.